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Register Now

Each individual who would like to participate in the Guaranteed Ride Home program must be registered. Interested in registering? Please see the easy steps below!

Employees New to the Program

  • Click the button below to register online. Call us at (510) 433-0320 if you have difficulty enrolling online.


  • Once registered, when you use a qualifying mode of transportation to get to work and an emergency arises that interrupts your ability to get home, you can take advantage of the program by using a taxi, Transportation Network Company (TNC) service such as Lyft or Uber, rental car, or car sharing vehicle. Simply save your receipt and fill out a reimbursement form to be reimbursed for eligible trip expenses. You should expect to be reimbursed within 30 days.


Employers are no longer required to register in order for employees to use Guaranteed Ride Home. Any interested employee can register on their own at any time by clicking the REGISTER button above.


Employers may still want to promote the program to employees, though, and can do so using some of our marketing materials or by contacting our staff for help. Employers can point employees to our online registration form or call the Hotline at (510) 433-0320 to get started. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

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