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Program Restrictions

The program can only be used if you are pre-registered. You may use the program if you have used an alternative transportation mode to get to work AND a qualifying emergency situation arises.

Alternative transportation modes include:


  • Public transportation including: BART, AC Transit, ACE, Wheels, Union City Transit, ferry (WETA) and Amtrak


  • Employer-provided shuttle or van service


  • Carpool or Vanpool


  • Bicycle


  • Walk

What can I be reimbursed for?

The Guaranteed Ride Home Program will reimburse participants for eligible expenses from the use of taxis, rental cars, car share vehicles, Transportation Network Company (TNC) services such as Lyft or Uber, or public transportation. Fuel and gratuity are not eligible expenses. Insurance and tolls for rental cars are eligible for reimbursement. Proof of payment must be submitted. Please see the Program Guidelines for full details on what is eligible for reimbursement.


Reimbursement limits:


  • You may use the Guaranteed Ride Home Program a maximum of ten times per calendar year.


  • You can be reimbursed for up to $125 per trip and up to $600 per year.

Qualifying emergency situations include:


  • You or an immediate family member suffers an illness, injury, or severe crisis.


  • You are asked by supervisor to work unscheduled overtime, which causes you to miss planned ride home (supervisor verification will be required as part of reimbursement request)


  • Your carpool or vanpool vehicle breaks down or the driver has to leave early or late


  • Your transit-connection shuttle breaks down and no other shuttle options are available (these emergency situations are only eligible for rides to transit stops or stations where transit-connection shuttles typically connect)


  • You have a break-in, flood, or fire at residence


  • Your commute bicycle breaks down on the way to or from work and cannot be repaired at your work site

Other rules


  • If an employee falsifies information related to the reason for using the Guaranteed Ride Home Program or the commute mode taken on the day the program is used or otherwise abuses the program, the employee will be charged for the ride and prohibited from using the program for one year


  • Taxis and Transportation Network Companies like Lyft and Uber are recommended for trips of 20 miles or less. For trips greater than this distance, we strongly encourage rental cars. For more information about how to choose, visit the Choose a Reimbursable Ride page.


  • The program may not be used for personal errands, pre-planned appointments, ambulance service, anticipated overtime (or working overtime without authorization), non-emergency side trips on the way home.


  • The program cannot cover fuel costs for rental cars.


The Guaranteed Ride Home program is a program of the Alameda County Transportation Commission and is generously supported by the Bay Area Air Quality Transportation Fund for Clean Air.

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